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Blade&Soul Update 2.2 On June 1 : Hongmen Levels 15 Upgrade, New Class Soul Fighter, Chapter Act 5

5/17/2016 11:41:42 AM

recently, there are lots of rumors about blade&soul update 2.2 would be released on june 1, which will include new class soul fighter, conclusion to act4, and hongmen level 15 upgrade. now, we would like to share the latest news with you to know more about blade and soul.

jonathan lien has posted the hm 15 on twitter, we supposed in the next update patch, it is highly possible that we can have hongmen level 15 challenge. as you can see,it takes as much exp to get from hm 10-11 as it did to get from hm 1-10. every level after that gets more and more absurd in terms of exp requirement. assuming we get what other f2p regions got (tw/cn/jp):

hm 1-10 takes: 33m exp
hm 10-11 takes: 32m exp
hm 11-12 takes: 58m exp
hm 12-13 takes: 89m exp
hm 13-14 takes: 123m exp
hm 14-15 takes: 160m exp

so basically hm 11-15 takes a whopping 462m exp, which is 14x the amount of exp it took to get from hm 1-10.

blade and soul hm15.jpg

also, jonathan lien has posted that the next content patch will contain the conclusion to act4 on twitter. well, what’s would happen in the upcoming act 5?

bns act5.jpg

blade and soul new class: soul fighter

bns soul fighter.jpg
soul fighter is a hybrid of the kung fu master and force master, the soul fighter can deal explosive damage from a melee and ranged distance, as well as heal allies from across an arena. the soul fighter is only available for the gon and kun races. while, according to the korea player’s news, soul fighter is so weak in pvp. more details about bns soul fighter you can visit blade& soul new class - the most powerful soul fighter in bns.

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