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Blade& Soul New Class - The Most Powerful Soul Fighter In Bns

3/9/2016 11:58:07 AM

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blade and soul soul fighter is a hybrid of the kung fu master and force master, the soul fighter can deal explosive damage from a melee and ranged distance, as well as heal allies from across an arena. the soul fighter is only available for the gon and kun races.

the martial stance and force stance is the vital important of soul fighter in blade&soul,the switchover of stances can make soul fighter is beyond other classes’ skills. you can not only experience the close combat class, but also you can experience the long-distance combat class.

while in martial stance, soul fighter can delivery devastating melee attacks and pummeling moves non-stop, which makes it kind of crazy strong like kung fu master. in force stance, soul fighter can use lots of long-distance skills, with outstanding control ability.

comprehensive career position:capabla tank or healer
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besides the martial stance and force stance, soul fighter has another amazing factors such as [elbow smash] and q/e/ss, 2 different avoidance system. soul fighter can block the critical strikes from boss when regenerating hatred. soul fighter is qualified to be the tank in a team. while, the skills of martial stance can help soul fighter to be a great healer. not only it can help teammate regenerate health, but also it can help teammate recover fighting skills.

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in terms of output, bimodal skills under certain conditions can trigger internal strength buff, then you can use the emperor punch dragon blitz continuous output even strokes to inflict a lot of damage, letting airbender become expert copy output.

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