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Blade And Soul Class Guide: Lvl 45 Summoner's Comprehensive Pvp And Pve Build

2/16/2016 3:14:20 PM

greeting everyone, this article is about lvl 45 summoner's comrehensive skill build guide. as for my personal experience, we can have various skill builds and gain lots of fun for the same class. among the classes of blade&soul, summoner is the great one for the newbie.

summoner is one the most versatile class in blade&soul, able to assume the role of damage dealing, tanking or healer. while. the skills of cat decided the role of summoner in team. in generally, summoner in pve we need increase the ability of survival, while in pvp we need pay atttention on attack speed. now, this is my summoner build. 


1. the primary damage skills are super sunflower, grasping roots and flying nettles.

2. when the monster close to you, use ss triger grasping roots, hits on trigger doom 'n' bloom

3. doom 'n' bloom can regenerate 10 focus, please pay attention on time.

4. the skill petal storm and enhanced seed shroud can protect your teammate well

5. when you are in heavy damage or has less blood, biar patch can save your life.

6. to control cat, we need play crouching and e well, when you can't avoid the damage from boss.

stealthed.jpgwhile stealthed or

blade and soul sunflower.jpgon hit with sunflower to an enemy inflicted by doom 'n' bloom or

blade and soul summoner build 2.jpgon hit with sunflower to an enemy on area of effect or

blade and soul summoner build 3.jpgon hit with sunflower to a grappled enemy

now, this is my summoner build.

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