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Blade And Soul Items Serpent Calling Bell Crafting Guide

2/15/2016 3:58:20 PM

where can we get blade&soul serpent calling bell

1. random drop from monsters (drop rate very low).

generally, serpent calling bell dropped at a low rate from southpyre border scouts in the cinderlands, tomun range.

bns sepent calling bell hit the ground running.jpg

2. crafting by merry potters

merry potters is one of the crafting professions in blade and soul, and specialized in gathering and supplying base materials to other crafting guilds. it takes 40 minutes to craft a bell and requires guild level 2. the ingredients include 20 x earthen clay, 1 x pine sap and 1 x cinderlands thorn. 

merry potters crafting.jpg

3. from spinning the wheels

to do the main quest, you may have chance to get serpent calling bell from spining the wheels.

4. buy serpent calling bell from marketplace

the price of serpent calling bell is not so expensive in marketplace, if you need the help of bns gold, you can come visit our site to get gold easy and fast. our professional delivery staff would like to help enjoy game easily.

how to use blade&soul serpent calling bell?

after you put the blade and sou serpent calling bell to old man cho in the desert area, you will get surge dive ability.

blade and soul hit the ground running.jpg

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