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Guide To Mage's Best Trinket In Siege Of Orgrimmar

10/21/2013 5:20:17 PM

in siege of orgrimmar, there are three main trinkets which are really welcome for the mage. they are separately purified bindings of immerseus, hardris toxic totem and kardris' toxic totem. you must have heard about their names or see how they work on the gears. but, which is the best one to help you output the highest dps, we are going to do some research today.

to start with, let's look at the trinkets one by one separately and know what effects they can bring.
purrified bindings of immerseus

purified binding of immerseus
this trinket has 15% chance to increase your intellect for up to 20 seconds. besides that, it can also increase the critical attack, healing effect, haste, mastery and spirit attributes all by 3%.

kardris' toxic totem

kardris' toxic totem
this piece of trinket has 6% chance to cause multistrike, and the damages it can increase is attractive. it can also increase your intellect, which is the most important attribute for mage.

black blood of y'shaarj

black blood of y'shaarj
this piece of trinket can bring 2339 more haste, and it has chance to increase your intellect through a skill named darkspear.

for three specializations of this class, three trinkets have different effects. the effect also varies according to different battlesuits. after careful study of the data of dps, i found the following conclusions, hoping they are useful to you.

for arcane mage, t15n suit, kardris' toxic totem is the best choice. for t16n suit, purrified bindings of immerseus has the same effect as the kardris' toxic totem. for t16h suit, purrified bindings of immerseus is the best.

for frost mage, black blood of y'shaarj does the best on t15n suit. for t16n suit, black blood of y'shaarj is still the best. for t16h suit, the effect of these three trinkets is almost the same.

for fire mage, kardris' toxic totem and black blood of y’shaarj both work well on gears of 522 levels. for 553-level gear, purrified bindings of immerseus and kardris' toxic totem have the same effect. for 580-level gear, purrified bindings of immerseus seems to be the best.

if you have any questions about the content above or you have different opinions, you are welcome to share your ideas with us on our facebook page.

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