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New Update Of Wildstar - All Classes Skill Adjustment On July

7/23/2014 11:34:49 AM

class skill update information from:


before the end of july,wildstar update would release.this new update mostly adjust the class skills and fix bug. of course,some classes would be enhanced. as for now,the update content you can enjoy in the wildstar,the following ar known class adjustment information:


we are working to get a fix in as soon as possible to address the bug that is causing the telegraph to be “stuck” on.
we are working to get a fix in as soon as possible to address the bug that is preventing the animation and fx from playing.
in the not-so-distant future:
spectral form
this will become castable while moving

telekinetic strike
this will become castable while moving
the tier 8 bonus will only requires 3 psi charge stacks, down from 6

concentrated blade
the hit delay will be reduced to 3s, down from 4.4s (t0-t3) and 3.4s (t4 )
the tier 4 bonus will be changed to refund 2 charges per 10sec

blade dance
the channel time will be reduced to 2 seconds, down from 3 seconds

psychic frenzy
the initial cast gcd will be reduced to .75s, down from 1.25s
the tier 8 bonus will only requires 3 psi charge stacks, down from 6


spell surge will, once again, be castable while casting
we've spent a lot of time working on the back-end of spells to make this happen and we believe it will really help to smooth out spell surge’s usage.
as a result of the change to spell surge, we have also been able to clean up a number of issues with amp proc events.
this will include fixes to amps such as the one, surge damage, and healing aura.

tmpale: this skill can attack two targets at the same for the stalker is a good update for increase dps,which make up for the bad stalker aoe.

cc breaker
we are working on adjusting an ability to have it be a base cc break that is more usable by both tanks and dps

nano skin: agile
we want to make this stance a more viable option

this will have its cost increase stack cap reduced by 1

this will hit 2 targets up from 1

this will be a more valuable utility ability at the base tier

bug fixes
we have more bug fixes on the way to resolve various issues

stalker tank
currently the stalker tank is performing well in raids and dungeons but is a little stronger than intended in pvp and we have slight balance changes prepared for an upcoming patch


as you can see, this update aims to increase the fight ability of tank. according to the recent situation, most of tank are assault.

menacing strike
this will gain additional threat generation per tier. t8 will be changed to be less rng but with a cooldown.

this will be transitioned into a kinetic energy generator. it is likely that it will lose its charges and gain a straight cooldown. t8 will be re-designed to be focused on threat burst.

plasma wall
this will lose some mitigation to gain bonus threat. t8 will be re-designed to be focused on personal damage mitigation.

atomic spear
this will now also be triggered when the warrior’s attacks are deflected. additionally this will be castable while casting plasma wall.

bolstering strike
the cooldown will be increased and healing will be increased so that this will be used for burst shield healing rather than having to spam it.

polarity field
this will gain additional threat per tier. t8 will be re-designed to increase the fields effectiveness on enemies who are taking damage from both fields.

cooldown will be increased, will only cleanse 1 debuff but gain bonus threat. t4 will be changed to deal additional damage at higher energy levels.

shield burst
replace jolt as the warrior’s second energy restricted ability.
energy generation will be removed
shield healing will be removed
cooldown will be reduced
will no longer require the warrior shield to be depleted to be used
damage dealt will increase based on the warrior’s current shield level
will gain bonus threat generation and bonus threat generation per tier
t4 will be re-designed to focus on threat generation.
t8 will be re-designed to debuff enemies and enhance the warriors tanking abilities.


gamma rays
range will be increase to 20m from 17.5
target count will be increased to 3 from 1
the t4 will reduce gr’s cast time by .5 seconds each cast and will reset after every 3 casts (1.25 seconds, .75 seconds, .25 seconds)
the t8 will be updated so that having 1 or 2 beams miss or be deflected will still grant a chance to generate an actuator

quantum cascade
the size of the second tick will be increased by 25% and the third/fourth ticks by 50%.

this will become castable while casting other spells and will have a 100% chance to generate an acuator.
reboot amp
this will be modified to trigger on targets below 30% shield rather than with zero shield.

dual shock
like atomize this will also become castable while casting.
aoe healing and interrupt armor
specific portions of the medic’s aoe healing kit are currently over-turned and will be adjusted. additionally, the durations of interrupt armor are going to be reduced across the board and the medic will start to see these changes first.


as for my personally, i really looking forward to enhancing bot ai

bot ai – in the short term we will continue to resolve bugs as they come up. for the long term we have developed a plan that should greatly improve pet behaviors.
performing audits on all spells in order to address issues that are not obvious but are negatively impacting gameplay.
looking into revisiting mortar strike and finding a place where it could really shine.
cleaning up interaction of spells and amps that key off of the 30-70 volatility zone.
general tank damage output and threat pacing.
we’re looking into ways to increase damage output of all tanks and normalizing threat generation.
dps balance across all classes is something we’re actively reviewing and have some major changes in the works.

all these information come from official site, as for now, the stalker and esper’ buff are splendid. my first class is esper, after hit level 50 there are some bug and irrational skills. then, i started my second class stalker.maybe i would back to player esper again after this new update!

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