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Rocket League Autumn Update – New Standard Wasteland & Starbase Arc Maps, Competitive Season 6

8/25/2017 4:48:45 PM

after psyonix announced the new feature transparent goalposts will be part of their autumn update, more information of rocket league autumn update are revealed, features new wasteland and starbase arc redesigned maps.


related read: rocket league autumn update - transparent goalposts is upcoming!


officially with rocket league autumn update, starbase arc and wasteland are no longer going to be in the competitive game modes and also the casual game modes, so it’s definitely a time to celebrate, we finally don’t have to play on these weird maps when we’re trying to rank up or trying to just have some fun. but this not the only thing we heard. so we’ll go through more details about the wasteland and starbase arc changes, also talk about a little bit about the competitive season 6 and predict the rocket league autumn update release date.


re-designed wasteland & starbase arc on standard arenas

moving on to the maps that are being redesigned here, of course you’ve already seen starbase arc and wasteland, but let’s take another look at them here in detail and just appreciate how good they look in normal layout, same with the redesign of neo tokyo, all maps in competitive and casual matchmaking will now be standard maps, the same size and shape, the only difference between visuals and sounds. and the regular non-standard starbase arc and wasteland will be for private matches and offline matches only but they will instead be called arctagon and badlands respectively. the octagon and underpass lab arenas will return to the rocket labs playlist as well.

rocket league non-standard wasteland - badlands

rocket league non-standard wasteland - badlands


rocket league redesigned standard wasteland

rocket league re-designed wasteland_standard


rocket league non-standard starbase arc - arctagon

rocket league non-standard starbase arc - arctagon


rocket league redesigned standard starbase arc

rocket league re-designed starbase arc_standard


the factors cause these maps change

as non-standard map layouts have been a hot topic of debate within the rocket league community since wasteland arena first launched in late 2015, psyonix have carefully listened to players’ feedback over that extended period of time. psyonix team originally tried to put the maps into competitive to switch it up but soon they found they didn’t really need that especially in like the esports scene, and it was just kind of awkward to have different maps. since esports didn’t use different maps, they didn’t think it was fair to have in the normal competitive matches, so they decided to take them out. here's a quick rundown of several important factors that moved them in this direction from the official post:

“we see rocket league as a digital sport. as such, we think standardization is important and necessary to provide a level playing field and foster consistent competition across all skill levels and events.

“we introduced non-standard arenas partly to provide variety for pro play, but they have not been embraced. given the success of rlcs and rocket league esports in general, we no longer feel that map variety is needed or appropriate for the competitive scene.

“rocket labs showed us that only a narrow set of arena designs would be well-received by the rocket league community. even the designs that more closely resembled conventional arenas (like octagon and starbase) have been extremely divisive. ultimately, the alternate layouts we devised simply didn’t add enough strategically to offset the corresponding loss in predictability and muscle memory.”


rocket league autumn update release date

when the rocket league autumn update is probably going to be put up? psyonix didn’t give us a specific date in this news but instead said that “changes are coming to rocket league arenas later this year with our autumn update”. yeah, that’s not really what we want to hear, we are really hoping the update would come out maybe like september 7th or something, but being that they said later this year, we are wondering if it’s going to be closer to october or maybe even later? we do hope it’s not any later than like early october because most of players have already been waiting about two months for the autumn update. and if it’s not a huge update, it’s going to be a little disappointing. now along with that, usually the official date for rocket league autumn update is september 22nd, so maybe it’s more likely to be released at the end of september.


rocket league competitive season 6

now let’s get into the slight news of competitive season 6. with the arrival of competitive season 6 comes a new norm -- as only standard arenas will be playable in online matches for both competitive and casual matches. the rocket league season 6 is likely to be coming with the autumn update which does seems kinds of soon, maybe again it is pointing towards october, because psyonix did say that seasons were going to be on a more strict schedule like three to four months, hopefully we get a more definitive date soon.

more information about the rocket league autumn update will be updated here, stay tuned. if you are looking for some unique rocket league items, keys and crates, welcome to get best deal on

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