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Basic Tips And Tricks For Rocket League

3/28/2018 3:52:08 PM

if you have practiced the training in the game for a long time, but you still feel that you are in the real game, then this guide should give you some help.

1 accuracy htting the ball

this is ninjas basic tips and tricks for a rocket league being able to hit the ball consistently is probably the most important thing, you need to practice to hit the ball is all about timing positioning and sometimes a bit of luck. when you hit the ball, but sometimes the ball gets faster ad sometimes even slower. you might get more likely to miss the main problem. i've noticed new players run into is they jump under the ball which makes them miss harder than helen keller at a cornhole tournament.instead of jumping under, the ball jump into it. jumping just before you get to the ball will get you more consistent hits dodging into the ball gives it even more power, also don't be afraid to slow down or speed up to get to the ball and land a hit doing.

2 where is the ball

you might be saying ninja i still can't hit the ball, let alone find it most of the game. this is another problem a lot of players run into. so don't worry you're not alone. there are actually two different camera options standard and ball camera, finding the ball can be really hard when driving with the standard cameras. since all you have to go by is either the ball in front of you a tiny arrow pointing to the ball or a wide circle on the ground. this mode while the easiest to get used to is not optimal. when you need to find a flying ball, standard camera is good when you're trying to screw omeone's day up. when you're going for a boost pad not near the ball or when you just need to reorient yourself. ball cam on the other hand is perfect. most of the time ball cam will make you always see the ball in the center of your screen making it easy to follow, and even easier to hit. using ball cam will always let you follow the action so you can see where the ball might be going who has a shot and where you might need to be for a shot of your own downsides are that since your camera follows the ball. your car sometimes sacrificed specifically when the ball is above. you making it very difficult to see anything at all. your car could also be facing backwards while ball cam is on making write turbines seem like left turns and making you look like an idiot. it's okay, it happens the take away get used to ball cam it's really good, but don't be afraid to switch between cameras to annihilate that douche goalie on the other team.

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