how to improve fps for running rocket league? many people want to play the popular game rocket league but knowing their computer only runs it at around 20fps (and 2 fps on aquadome) and can't afford a mediocore gaming pc. it feels so satisfying to even touch 30fps or you just want max out and go from 130fps to 144fps, this guide will help you boost your fps by 10-50 with several methods.
do all methods for max fps, here are all the things/softwares you require to improve fps:
1) go to this website here
2) download the program from the highlighted area (its not a virus paranoid peps pls)
3) select all your cores (varies on your cpu) and click unpark all.
why this helps:
usually when gaming your pc only utilises the power from 1 or 2 cores, if you're on a quad core unparking these cores distributes the gaming load on all of the cores, helping the cpu alot, and usually helps on games that require a lot of cpu usage.
(this depends really on your choice, it'll kinda ruin your whole fancy windows look but hey, improves fps (windows 8 and windows 10 look the same, windows 7 and below will look like windows 95)
1) right click my computer and choose properties:
2) choose "settings..." under performace and click "for best performance".
3)ta da windows 7 is now windows 95
why this helps:
windows aero (all the fancy windows stuff) usually takes up a lot of cpu usage (and sometimes gpu? help me on this thx), reducing the load = improving performance.
before last years update rocket league was able to look like 8bit minecraft, psyonix<3 has patched over that, but there is still a nice little tweak that improves fps by alot, since i'm lazy to explain just take my tasystemsettings file from pastebin.
(p.s, change the resolution to something resonable and to your liking, but try to be below 1080p if your computers junk like mine.
1) go to:
my documents -> my games -> rocket league -> tagame -> config.
c:\users\your name\documents\my games\rocket league\tagame\config
2) open tasystemsettings.ini with notepad (notepad preferably)
3) delete everything in it. (no i'm not stupid)
4) go to this pastebin link
pastebin link: dis the link bois
5) copy everything and paste it into your tasystemsettings.ini
6) save
7) startup rocket league (don't turn off depth of field, wierd but it improves fps and makes the game look nice.
windows 10 (and 8, please confirm) users:
1) open task manager
2) go to details
3) right click rocketleague.exe
4) priority -> high (do not choose realtime it screws up the audio)
windows 7 and below:
1) open task manager
2) go to processes
3) right click rocketleague.exe
4) priority -> high (do not choose realtime it screws up the audio)
image is only for windows 7 users:
p.s: you need to do this everytime you start up rocket league.
messy drives aren’t good, if you have a cluster of a pc, please defragment and clear up space.
how to defragment:
1) my computer
2) right click the drive and choose properties
3) click "tools" tab
4) defragment now
5) wait for it to load because your pc is slow
6) defragment
best to leave this overnight as it takes awhile
extra tip:
1) click windowsbutton r to open up run
2) type %temp%
3) delete everything in there (no you won’t lose anything, it just takes up space)
search up your motherboard name and find out if you can overclock it first of all.
overclocking will improve performance but will also make your computer unstable.
note: all this methods are summed up by dsaw | the howling rookie on steam, you can check the full guide here. also the methods vary from pc to pc, some people might get 50fps increase some might just get 5, it all depends on your hardware (or if you've already done most of these methods). hope this guide can help you boost your fps.
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