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Pubg Equipments Stats And Pubg Medicine Function Explain

5/24/2017 5:39:37 PM

the equipments in pubg are of great importance, which can reduce our damage. helmet can protect us from headshot, the function of bulletproof vest is quite explicit,and medicine can increase the volume of blood. here, i will illustrate all the equipments in pubg and the function of its medicine to tell you the effects of equipments in different level.

pubg stats

pubg backpack

backpack is mainly used to increase the inventories. there are three levels of backpackbulletproof vest and helmet in this game whose function will be enhanced with the higher level.

level 1 backpack

        150 original capacity

        the color of beige yellow is slight eye-catching

        before you acquire a backpack, please pick up this one for temporary use.

        pubg stats- level 1 backpack

level 2 backpack

   200 original capacity

   the appearance is in dark green and actually there are two types: dark green one and dark yellow one with ornaments.

   pubg stats- level 2 backpack

level 3 backpack

   400 original capacity

   what makes it special is that it is very small and it is best choice for players3

   pubg stats- level 3 backpack

bolletproof vest

bolletproof vest is probably one of the most commonly used equipments in this game. its function is similar to that of backpack. but it makes use of its capacity to improve the capacity of defense so that players have more chance to survive. 

level 1 police vest

 50 original capacity with 200 added defense capacity

    it is hard to meet level 1 police vest

    it is eye-catching for its bright gray color but its color also contributes to hiding in rocks

    pubg stats-level 1 police vest

level 1 police vest

    50 original capacity with 220 added defense capacity

  this vest is suitable for hiding in darkness and it will become very fashion with long t shirt

    pubg stats-level 2 police vest

level 3 military vest

50 original capacity with 250 added defense capacity

     it is in fact a level 3 police vest

     this vest will make the player look strong and help you bear more damage than other players

    pubg stats-level 3 police vest


  helmet is used to protect head. you can choose to wear it or be shoot.

level 1 helmet

    increase 80 defense capacity. though it looks a kind of stupid, but it works.

    pubg stats- level 1 helmet

level 2 helmet

    increase 150 defense capacity. from my point of view, it doesn’t work very well besides its cool shape. so it is better to find more advanced helmet.

   pubg stats- level 2 helmet

level 3 helmet

    the most useful equipment to protect from shoot. it can protect us from the shoot of sks or kar98k. perhaps awm is the sole weapon to defeat this helmet.

 pubg stats- level 3 helmet


there is no player who dares to start the game without being armed with medicine. unlike other games, pubg has a particular medicine system in which most medicine won’t work when the health point has recovered to 75%. let’s talk about how to use medicine to compensate the remaining 25%.


bandage is used for slight wound healing. you don’t have to worry that the bandage is of no use in pubg, because it is quite different from other games where there are no bleeding setting. even if you are in high health point, it still works very well.

pubg stats- bandage

first aid kits

first aid kits are very useful in battlefield. it can recover hp to 75% immediately, which means you need to take it for urgent need.

pubg stats- first aid kits

med kits

med kits is the most effective method in this game, which can continuously recover hp to 100%. however, it is hard to be observed.

pubg stats- med kits

energy drink

energy drink can cure more than 70% parts, increase 40 boost and provide one healing for slight injury.

pubg stats- energy drink


painkiller can cure over 75% parts and it is more useful than energy drink . it can increase 60 boost and provide one healing for severe injury.

pubg stats- painkiller

adrenaline syringe

it is only available in airdrop. it can continuously recover boost to 100% and provide more time for buffering.

pubg stats- adrenaline syringe

status bar

when you use medicine(energy drink or painkiller), you will notice that there is a status bar in the bottom of the screen. this status bar is divided into three parts with 2 buffs. the first buff is to ensure your health and the second one is to accelerate. all the medicine can attribute the player a buff with rapid speed.

pubg stats- status bar

weapon accessories

    the attribute parameter of each gun in this game can be changed by attachments. thus, players have more time for changing places. the recoil will be reduced and the aiming chance will be increased.  



reduce recoil, enable ars12k to become a better sniper rifle

pubg stats- compensator


eliminate the noise and make it difficult for the enemy to find out your position


reduce the firelight and help hiding

pubg stats- suppressor


exclusive use for shotgun bullets, reduce the density of bullets in shooting, increase the shooting range, except s12k

pubg stats-choke

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