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When You Meet Pubg, What Mechanism Can Force You To Kill People?

5/23/2017 10:35:49 AM

pubg game    

pubg, the successor of h1z1, is very hot recently. despite of many bugs, players are still willing to play the game. some one ever analyzed that the reason why pubg is so popular is the same as the popularity of zombie theme------what human want to kill in their inner heart are exactly their own kind.

     of course, not everyone in peaceful life cherishes such evil thought, neither does everyone put it into practice. even in games, people seem to try hard to avoid fight and attacking others without any reason. in that case, the game will be very boring. organizers of the pubg spare no effort in designing all sorts of limitation measures, thus forcing survivors to hurt each other in increasingly small battle circle. this article will illustrate whether those measures can take effect in reality and how powerful are they.


formidable electromagnetic radiation

    what pubg uses is the electromagnetic radiation. as long as standing in the radiation circle around the central of the map, figures controlled by players will lose their health coin constantly until they are dead. observing the interface of the game carefully, you will find that this electronic radiation circle subverts the whole vertical of the map. this reminds me a phrase describing the thunder in australia in the thorn birds," thunder is not so much from the sky as from the earth."

    it was not a long ago since the electromagnetic radiation applied to military action, which can date back to the time when america tried to detonate the first nuclear. electromagnetic radiation caused by the explosion of nuclear was regarded as powerful weapon by military scientists, which could lead to death or injuries or became more lethal than the heat of explosion when people started to design nuclear weapon. after the third industrial revolution characterized by the rising of electronic equipment, weapons with electromagnetic radiation can be used to interfere opponents'equipments to show their power.


the blue color in the distance represents terrible electromagnetic radiation
    many people are sensitive at the sound of scratching blackboard, which can be called as stress reaction towards high frequency sound wave. if the frequency of the wave becomes higher, then people will not just feel giddy. electromagnetic radiation with ultra high frequency will have a great impact on human body, especially in neurological system, which can make many horrible hallucinations. another electronic weapon with radio frequency is lethal to cardiovascular or even makes our heart stop working. is such electromagnetic weapon used in pubg?
    pitifully, it is not.
    since electromagnetic wave will spread to all directions from its source, without the guidance towards the direction, both enemies and operators will be hurt. therefore, those with such high frequency wave to attack enemies are called "targeted weapons ". the electromagnetic wave in game is hard to design with available weapons.
    but there is still some possibilities.

vehicle directional weapon adopted by american army
    in 1993, america made an emp weapon experiment named "harp" through groups of antennas to emit pulse towards ionized layer in the sky. this principle is similar to mobile communication. the signal launched by our device represents the pulse emitted by antennas on earth. when meeting the ionized layer in upper air, it will be back to earth and received by base station. then, the processed signal will be sent to the ionized layer by the base station before rebounding to the phone. turning up the frequency and power of the mobile signal, you can make an electromagnetic weapon. however, the targets of this experiment made by america are missiles and opponents' communications. it remains a lot of tests concerning killing people at the same scale.
    thus, we can draw the conclusion towards the electronic limited weapon in pubg that though such weapon doesn't exist, its principle has been verified.
    the electromagnetic radiation used in this game seems to be an expedient, aiming to distinguish from gas bombs used by players. in the mode of last h1z1, producers choose poison gas as the limited measure in battlefield.

naughty poison gas
    the application of poison gas is much longer than that of electromagnetic radiation. the first person who used the poison gas in modern battlefield is a german when he was trapped in the first world war and wanted to end this fight. he caused a depletion of numbers of unfight in british and french army. later on, it was the japanese who made the full use of poison gas. here, it's better not to mention their concrete behaviors. according to the record, as early as cold weapon era the european army ever threw dead bodies and dead pigs into opponents' cities as the pathogen, which could be described as poison gas in a sense.

soldiers running in poison gas
    as a power weapon in battlefield, poison gas is also very dangerous because it can also lead to a great damage of our own side. the most terrible is that, poison gas is after all a kind of gas, so it is not under the control of mankind but the demand of wind in battlefield. at the beginning of the battle of the red cliff, zhou yu-----a prominent military adviser in the three kingdoms------was very angry when he noticed that the wind came from the west. it will be reduced to a path towards death when a commander pays no attention to the direction of the wind. even today when the military and technology develop greatly, people still fail to find out the method to control the direction of the poison gas. in early april, a small town in syria suffered from sarin gas is probably one of the innocent victims. ordinary people and soldiers have to struggle in poison gas.
    look the poison gas attack range in h1z1, there is always a circle battlefield in the middle with verge in order. perhaps the producers of the game want to provide the players a prospected vision about the time to use poison gas. but such poison gas without any scientific base still makes those particular players feel dissatisfied. which poison gas can draw such beautiful circle? 


 even it is impossible to draw such perfect route, the component of poison gas remains a mysterious problem.
    few poison gas has similar density of air. to get to the degree to hurt human body, the molecule of poison gas will be designed as large as possible. thereupon, many poison gas heavier than air choose to fly closely to the earth. the widely application of poison gas has its own practical consideration. at that time, if there was no threat of sniper, people can run to higher place to think for better way. but the poison gas in h1z1 won't give such chance to players. as long as there is poison gas in the map, figures in the game will die no matter what altitude he stands. will it be a new type of poison gas as heavy as the air?

poison gas prevailing every corner of the mountains
    so, the poison gas in h1z1 should be the illusion of producers, which is hard to realize in life.

time honored tool------necklace of explosive
    the author of pubg is more reasonable in the method to limit players running out of battlefield. the author of the book designed a metal necklace containing explosive for unlucky students. the necklace will be detonated if students try to flee from the battlefield, which means committing suicide. if no one dies in 24h, then all people's necklaces will burst. that is to leave no other place for players. the purpose of the designer is quite definite:"die or let other people die".

the necklace is the most effective tool
    the design of this monitoring ring is not complicate, so that many so-called high tech entrepreneurs consider healthy hand ring as their first fields. i wonder whether you have notice such advertisement or not.

    this product can detect heartbeat, breathe and the frequency of drinking water to keep you in the healthiest condition. charge one time can use for one month, so it is especially suitable for lazy men. connecting with the main operation system, it can acquire your body condition. it has the function of waterproof and quakeproof, so we can record each footprint for you.

you have no idea about whether it is healthy foot ring or monitoring fetter
    before the publication of pubg, electronic fetter technology have been verified by prison system. at present, 50 american states have launched the policies of electronic fetter to ark prisoners in parole or probation to wear such device for the convenience of local procurators. many prisons also have such system to prevent prisoners from escaping. the advertisement will become like this if changed into the prisoner version:
    the product can detect heartbeat and the frequency of breathe to let the jailers know that you are still alive. charge one time can use for one month, so it is especially suitable for lazy men. but if you dare to refuse to charge it , you will get a sound thrashing. it connects with the main operation system, so every jailers can acquire your position. it has the function of waterproof and quakeproof, so you will be caught no matter how far you run.

i will show up right now
    similar monitor has appeared in the hunger game. with the same running and dead theme, the hunger game takes not so much control towards players as the heroine can make use of the bug in the game to challenge the organizers of the competition.  after all, the hunger game is a reality show with strong commercial aim, it will be no audience if the players are too enfeeble.

food : the rigid need is absolutely right
    there are many methods to force people fight in the limitation battlefield. apart from the limitation in surviving area, the control of foods is also a useful method. in the film house of 9, what the evil backstage manipulator use as limitation method is food.
    similar to the running and dead mode, the characters in the film were taken to a closed villa. the organizer asked them to kill each other. the last person could be rewarded millions of dollars. but those innocent people didn't intend to be involved in fight. the organizer forced them to fight through the limitation of food and water. as there was one person who had no food to eat in each meal, every player must be very anxious that he would be the one to die of hunger and make room for others' survival. under such extreme circumstances, it is reasonable that people changed into the evil. from my coin of view, such negative mechanism is much effective than simply encouraging players to win.


who ever imagined it was he/she survived at last.

  no matter easy or simple in technology, the initial purpose of the producers of the game is to increase the sense of urgency in the game to satisfy the needs of players. it' ok to be shocked in games, i still hope that the mode of running dead won't fall on every reader, neither do the limitation methods mentioned above become anyone's nightmare.


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