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How To Accumulate Limit Break In Final Fantasy Xiv

10/15/2014 6:45:47 PM

as we all know, the ffxiv limit break play very important role in fighting with boss. limit break is the party ability, when in a party of four or more, players will have access to the limit gauge, which gradually fills during the course of battle. when a limit gauge is full, the stored energy can be used to activate limit breaks. in other words, the limit break decided the team's life and death. now, do you want to know how to increase limit gauge faster?

to accumulate limit break

in the boss battle, the limit break increased automatically every 3 second. while, the limit gauge is party based, different party member has different speed. when your party has 8 different classes, the speed to accumulate limit break is the fast!


 ffxiv limit break

in the party has same classes, then the speed to accumulate limit break would slow down (mnd is the main attribute of whm, in this picture you can see, it is lake of whm)

types of limit break


1.generate more limit break on taking damage, if the healer has no pressure, the off-tank can get hit by aoe damage to help generate lb significantly faster.
2.generate lb through interrupting enemy specific abilities


1.generate limit break through interrupting enemy abilities
2.generate limit break through killing enemies
3.generate limit break through dealing critical damage.


1.generate limit break through healing a tank, then, lb is built continuously over time until the lb is used.
2.generate limit break through critical healing.


tips, the tank can’t generate lb from extra critical damage. dps and healer wouldn’t generate lb from damage.

damage of limit break

the damage of lb only relate to party’s weapon damage. therefore, we recommend the player who has low items to release lb, and the players who have high items to release dps. to use paladin and conjurer to release lb, monk and black mage to release dps fluently, there is no need to add buff.

the limit break effects are outlined below.

ffxiv bl effect

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