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5.4 Proving Ground Endless Mode Rogue Guide

9/23/2013 11:57:17 AM

rogue always acts at the dps dealer in the team. to find his largest potential to make contributions to the team and earn wow cheap gold, there is no doubt that we need to do some test in proving ground. today, we are going to talk about how to get through the 30 waves’ attacks as a assassination rogue in endless mode.

to start with, we would like to recommend the choices of talents and glyphs. it is almost the same with the talents you use in raids, but there is one talent that you should never miss, it is marked for death. as for glyphs, we recommend glyphs of redirect, glyphs of sprint and deadly momentun.

actually, the thirty waves can be divided to 10 waves. as wave 1, wave 11 and wave 22 are similar to each other, just the health or attacks of the monsters increase. since it is such a circulation, we just need to introduce the method to deal with 10 waves respectively.

wave one, there are three amber-weavers and several varmint. it is kind of easy to deal with these enemies. make the best use of the amber globule released by the amber-weavers is the key to win this battle. let the globules surround your targets as they would become easy to get hurt. you should avoid touching the amber globule or you will be rooted for 5 seconds.

wave two, there are two guardians who stand just in front of you, an amber-weaver, a mystic and a banshee. don't be worry as they are not hard to deal with at all. deal with the mystic first. interrupt his loading bar and keep dot after he has 15% blood left. then turn to one of the guardians, redirect the combo coins to the current target and use rupture and marked for death to cause great damages. keep dot effect on this target and turn to the next guardian immediately. then the banshee would come up, just use marked for death and envenom. using cloak of shadows, you do not need to move frequently to get away from the damages. you just need to stand still to deal with the amber-weaver and the monster that are not far from death easily.

wave three, there are two banana-throwers and several varmint. it is easy to deal with the banana-throwers. firstly, attack one of the banana-throwers with fast speed then run to the other banana-thrower with sprint skill. redirect the combo coins on the current target and take the other banana-thrower down fast. they are just appetizer as the varmints are the real enemies. get to the varmint that is the nearest to you and give it a rupture, then use marked of death on the target that stands in the middle, and activate crimson tempest. the fan of knives follows. then deal with the rest of the varmint one by one as they are so weak then.

wave four, there are four guardians, one amber-weaver and one explosion banshee. compared to the former levels, these enemies are becoming more difficult to deal with. speed is the most important coin in this wave. deal with the first guardian first and then the turn to the second guardian with burst of speed or sprint. when the banshee shows up, use redirect and shadow blades. generally, the banshee would show up after you take down the two guardians.

wave five, there is banana-thrower, a sha, a mystic and a banshee. you may start feeling that the dps is not enough to deal with these opponents. so, remember to use vendetta to increase the output damage as long as it is available. deal with the banana-thrower first, and then turn to the mystic with fast speed. then redirect the combo coins to the sha. as the sha has shield to protect him from the damages, so you do not need to be too serious to cause damages to the sha, just turn to the banshee immediately. use marked for death and envenom to kill her with fast speed and redirect the combo coins to the sha. then the shield of the sha would disappear, you can do whatever you can do output damages and kill him.

wave six, there are two mystics and several varmints. don't be worry, as they are easier to deal with compared to the wave five. blind one of the mystics, and use fan of knives among the varmints, put marked for death on one of the varmints and the rupture as well. after dealing with the varmint, then go back for the blinded mystic. use the combo coins from the last varmint to deal with this mystic. then redirect the combo coins to the varmints who you have caused aoe damages to, and release rupture. by the way, rupture should be used on the varmint with the most blood volume.

wave seven, two amber-weavers, one banana-thrower and three guardians. to start with, remember to activate vendetta. kill the banana-thrower who runs all around the field first, then stand by the door and kill the amber-weaver. redirect the combo coins to the next guardian. make the best use of debuff of the amber globules and cause dot damages. use cloak of shadows when it is necessary. it is not smart to kill the amber-weaver first as you have to make use of his amber globule to deal with the others. so just take down the guardians first.

wave eight, three banshees, one mystic and two slayers. things become harder and harder. firstly, focus on the mystic first. use shadow blades or vendetta to kill the healing, never use them together or it would be a waste. then the first banshee would come out. it won’t be hard for you to deal with her since you have faced her for so many times before. then redirect the combo coins to the slayer, and use rupture to cause dot damages. the second and third banshees would come out then. use vendetta, shadow blades, marked of death and rupture to deal with them as soon as possible and redirect the combo coins to the other slayer with full blood. if the first slayer is not dead yet, run to him quickly and kill him. use the fast movement speed and bloodthirst buff.

wave nine, there is an amber-weaver, a guardian, a banana-thrower, a banshee and two slayers. just like what we did before, kill the banana-thrower first, then run to the guardian fast and redirect the combo coins. use the amber globule from the amber-weaver to deal with him and cause dot damages until he is about to be dead. then run to one of the slayer fast, and use the amber globules to deal with him as well to maximize the dps. then the banshee would come out. kill her immediately and run to the other slayer. make the amber-weaver the last one.

wave ten, there is only a big sha. when he uses shield to protect him from the damages, you just use rupture to cause damages and never need to waste other skills. then the shield disappears, use all your skills to cause the largest dps. as long as your gears and ornaments perform well, and no big mistakes are made during the process, you can get through this level.

all in all, you should make the best use of your fast movement speed and buff from amber globules. you may have your own strategies to get through all of the challenges here. we are more than pleased to hear from you and communicate with you. have a nice day!

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