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The Latest Rocket League Psyonix Wheels -Top Rocket League Car Twinzer Designs

7/18/2018 3:22:06 PM

recently, a latest rocket league wheel was promoted. if you are addicted to pink, if you like these things with thick cartoon style, you will like it. although the states of different platforms are different, the rocket league wheel prices are reasonable and cheap. but the new rocket league wheel is available only in ps4, steam, xboxone. the channel to get that in switch will be opened soon. 

rocket league psyonix prices on different platforms

rocket league psyonix prices

the wheel is mainly pink, with the effect of filaceous lightning. usually, the wheel is collocated with pink and light blue. the classic design is that this wheel is fitted with pink twinzer body, slipstream decal, saffron sparkles boost, battle cars anniversary topper and sarpbc-10 antenna. it will give people a sense of fresh.

rocket league car design:

body: pink twinzer [primary: c4-r4-slipstream; accent: c12-r2-slipstream]

decal: slipstream

wheel: psyonix

topper: battle cars anniversary 

boost: saffron sparkles

trail: lightning

if you want to get all rocket league items prices, you can click here:

check rocket league prices:

twinzer price  

pink twinzer july prices 

rocket league twinzer price

slipstream prices:

rocket league car twinzer designs - psyonix wheels

of course, you could adjust the rocket league item according to your preference to get new designs. as for decals, when you choose different types, you will gain different rocket league designs. there are some examples for your appreciating.

this is the design that the wheel collocates with the storm watch decal.

rocket league car twinzer designs - psyonix wheels 1

this is the design that the wheel collocates with the streamline decal.

rocket league car twinzer designs - psyonix wheels 2

this is the design that the wheel collocates with the tora decal.

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this is the design that the wheel collocates with the labyrinth decal.

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this is the design that the wheel collocates with the hexed decal.

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this is the design that the wheel collocates with the fire god decal.

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this is the design that the wheel collocates with the biomass decal.

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this is the design that the wheel collocates with the 20xx decal.

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besides, you could change other components of the car, like toppers, boost, and so on.

this is designed that the wheel collocates with the saffron sparkles boost.

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this is designed that the wheel collocates with the pink sparkles boost.

rocket league car twinzer designs - psyonix wheels 10

and you could learn more about this rocket item from the video below:

you can also sell your rocket league items to us at

so these are some exhibitions about our new rocket league item. if you have any interested and want to buy some of these rocket league items, welcome to check out our offers here:, more details please contact us via 24/7 livechat. wish you enjoy your time!

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