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The Blade And Soul Vengeance Breaks 2.2 Patch Update Releases June 1.

6/1/2016 9:02:36 AM

vengeance breaks 2.2 patch notes


  • the merchant of wonders event is live and will run from june 1st through june 21st.

    • flawless sparkling hongmoon hexagonal peridot

    • feline frisky

    • pink snow raiment

    • honorary ornament

    • frozen stinger

    • moonstone

    • soulstone

    • naryu tablet

    • experience charms

    • an assortment of outfits and adornments from previous dungeons including blackram supply chian, bloodshade harbor, naryu labyrinth, and more.

    • heaven's mandate

    • cold storage (winter mane)

    • sundered nexus (4- or 6-member)

    • awakened necropolis (4- or 6-member)

    • there is a random chance for the merchant of wonders npc to spawn after completing the following dungeons:

    • shin bihye the merchant of wonders npc will have a random list of items for discounted prices.  you can choose to purchase one from the list of items, which includes but is not limited to:

  • a new continuous daily dash is available and will run from june 1st through july 19th.

  • increased the level cap to hongmoon level 15.

  • race and gender change vouchers are now available from the hongmoon store.

  • new achievements and titles are available for those who perform well enough to earn and equip the driven, indomitable will, or steel will costumes.

  • reduced the minimum level to use the currency exchange to level 16.


  • dodge move can now be used as a filter for skills in the martial tome and is used for skills where you resist enemy attacks while moving.

  • removed enforce as a filter for skills in the martial tome.


  • general

    • fixed an issue where smoke screen (tier 3 stage 3) and lotus of rescue would share the same cooldown.

  • close shave (f)

    • fixed an issue where a stealth effect was being displayed when using close shave (tier 2 stage 2).

  • time bomb (2)

    • fixed an issue where existing stun, daze, and knock down effects were being canceled by time bomb (tier 2 stage 1)

  • lotus of escape (v)

    • lotus of escape (tier 3/4/5 stage 1) has had its tooltip updated to specify that it also affects dead targets.

blade dancer

  • general

    • skills now cast faster after using anklebiter, fissure, and awakened blade echo.

  • reversal (tab)

    • the knock down effect that occurs after the knock back effect caused by reversal stage 2 is no longer applied to targets affected by knock down resistance.

    • fixed an issue where existing stun, daze, and knock down effects were being canceled by reversal (stage 3)

blade master

  • general

    • the knock down effect that occurs after the knock back effect caused by second wind stage 2 and flock of blades stage 1 is no longer applied to targets affected by knock down resistance.

  • flicker (lmb)

    • awakened flicker now gains even more increased attack speed when you have learned flicker stage 3.

  • cyclone (lmb)

    • cyclone tier 3 stage 2 and tier 3 stage 3 now applies damage and status effect resistance immediately upon use.

  • dragontongue (rmb)

    • dragontongue (tier 2 stage 3) can now be used without cooldown on a target affected by blade storm but will deal less additional damage.

  • second wind (tab)

    • fixed an issue where there was a delay to use second wind after using dragontongue (rmb).

    • fixed an issue where existing stun, daze, and knock down effects were being canceled by second wind (stage 3).

  • raid (2)

    • raid (tier 2 stage 1) has had its cooldown reduced to 12, down from 18 seconds.  increased focus recovery to 6, up from 2.

  • counterstrike (3)

    • the knock down effect from counterstrike is now properly applied to a target within melee range when countering a ranged attack.

  • lightning draw (4)

    • lightning draw (4) is now learned at level 8, up from level 6.

  • boot (x)

    • boot (tier 2 stage 2) now properly applies a bleed.


  • general

    • the knock down effect that occurs after the knock back effect caused by gust stage 2 or stone shield tier 5 stage 4 is no longer applied to targets affected by knock down resistance.

  • cleave (rmb)

    • fixed an issue where weapons were glowing red while using cleave.

  • retaliation (2)

    • fixed an issue where retaliation would cancel knock down status when a party member used a knock down resistance skill.

  • emberstomp (3)

    • fixed an issue where certain messages were not displaying correctly when enemies were killed by the additional damage effect of emberstomp tier 3 stage 3 and tier 5 stage 3.

force master

  • frost fury (f)

    • the chill effect now only applies on the first hit of frost fury stage 2 when it is enhanced by frozen soul.

  • second wind (tab)

    • fixed an issue where existing stun, daze, and knock down effects were being canceled by second wind (stage 3).

  • shadow grasp (4)

    • shadow grasp (stage 3 and stage 4) now draws in enemies additional times.

  • divine veil (c)

    • divine veil can no longer be countered.

kung fu master

  • focused fighting spirit (tab)

    • fixed an issue where focused fighting spirit would grant the cooldown reset effect to comet strike stage 1 and 3 even while under the effect of amplification resistance.

  • flying slam (tab)

    • fixed an issue where stone shield would sometimes not be canceled when using flying slam on a destroyer.

  • somersault kick (2)

    • fixed an issue where somersault kick would cancel knock down status when a party member used a knock down resistance skill.

  • emit frost (3)

    • emit frost now has a cooldown of 90 seconds, up from 60 seconds.

    • fixed an issue where 3 focus recovery was not displaying in the tooltip.


  • entangle (rmb)

    • added a cooldown icon when using entangle.


  • bombardment (rmb)

    • bombardment (tier 3 stage 1) now costs 1 less focus when cast on an enemy affected by knock down, airborne, daze, or stun.

  • repulse (f)

    • repulse (tier 3 stage 3) has had its cooldown increased to 24 seconds, up from 9 seconds.

    • repulse (tier 3 stage 3 and tier 3 stage 4) can now be used on a successful quell and cause the next dragoncall or wingstorm to be cast instantly.

  • sanctum (c)

    • sanctum (stage 3) no longer pierces defense and parry.

  • wingstorm (v)

    • fixed an issue where wingstorm would sometimes fail to cast.

  • onrush (q)

    • onrush (tier 2 stage 2) now has its cooldown reduced by 6 whenever it successfully lands.

  • fall in (e)

    • you can now assign training coins to fall in.

    • fall in (tier 1 stage 1) increases movement speed by 30% for 3 seconds.

    • fall in (tier 2 stage 1) allows your thrall to resist damage and status effects.

    • fall in (tier 2 stage 2) breaks from snared status and increases movement speed by 60% for 3 seconds.  the cooldown is increased to 9 seconds.

user interface

  • a new play infographic feature is available in the profile (p) menu that recommends content based on your current equipment.

  • leaderboards are now available for the tower of infinity in the ranking menu (f11).

    • rewards will be granted at the end of each season.

  • recommended skill builds have been updated for many classes and they will also change accordingly as your characters level up.

  • dungeons that require items now include this information in the dungeon tooltips.

  • you can now enable timestamps in chat settings.

  • the hongmoon store has been revamped to provide more information and be easier to use overall.


  • soul badges are now available from tower trader npc gang chiwon in front of the tower of infinity and can be equipped to enhance certain skills.

  • increased the amount of silverfrost quartz available from mining nodes.

  • reclaimed hongmoon secret technique volume 3 is now available by combining skill pages from 4-member sundered nexus and tower trader npc kangcha at mushin's tower.

  • reclaimed hongmoon secret technique volume 3 is also available from the zen bean and whirlwind valley npcs.

  • transmutation costs for outfit pouch and high quality outfit pouch have been adjusted to be less punishing on a failed transmutation.

  • you can now transmute pet enhancement stone, sealed pet enhancement stone, and petnip.

  • for a limited time, all characters that complete the act 4 storyline will receive the pistachio dream outfit!


  • fixed and updated a large amount of text, voiceover, and cutscene localization in english, german, and french.

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